ReCon™ Bold SL systemic fungicide provides proven control of damaging oomycete diseases in citrus, edible beans, peanuts, potatoes, tobacco, tree fruits and nuts, and vegetables. Most effective when applied during the early season, active ingredient mefenoxam targets soil-borne diseases, including brown and collar rot, downy mildew, Phytophthora, Pythium, red stele, seedling blight, and white rust.
With root to leaf protection, ReCon Bold SL improves both root and overall crop health. ReCon Bold SL is a highly compatible tank-mix partner, and the convenient formula can be applied by ground, chemigation, or aerial application. Protect your quality and yields for a better return on investment with ReCon Bold SL.
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Product Information Table
EPA Registration Number
Active Ingredient
FRAC Number
Signal Word
Package Size
Restricted Use
Key Benefits
- Highly effective against oomycete diseases
- Contains systemic and translocation properties
- Flexible application options
- Easy-to-use formulation
- 4 pounds of mefenoxam per gallon
- Tank-mix compatible with other fungicides
Key Uses
The following represent the most common uses for this product. For more detail about these or other uses please refer to the product brochure or ask your distributor.