Atticus Successfully Upgrades its ERP System

CARY, North Carolina (November 13, 2024) – Atticus successfully advances to Microsoft Dynamics 365 (‘D365’) as its cloud-based operating system, effective October 19, 2024, with no business disruption. We embarked on this endeavor with a keen focus on enhancing the customer experience while scaling to our full potential. Atticus engaged with Stoneridge Software and dedicated three positions, which were further complemented by 25 subject matter experts, to tackle Phase I, Lift & Shift. “This investment once again demonstrates our commitment to Operational Excellence and long-term viability with an insatiable appetite for continuous improvement via systems and processes,” shares John Henderson, EVP, Business Optimization.

This meticulously orchestrated upgrade prioritized business continuity over the 10-month period that only pushed 15% over budget, which accommodated a 38-day extension for sufficient go-live testing. “This was a complex project, but due to Atticus’ diligence, this was one of the smoothest production cutovers we have accomplished,” states Luisa Hill, Senior Project Manager at Stoneridge Software.

Phase II, Elevate & Escalate, commences March 1, 2025, with a target go-live date of October 2025 in our deliberate and disciplined march to Full Strength in Market Year 2027. Next-phase Battle-Readiness!

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