Pinzola EC from Atticus brings wheat growers effective control

CARY, N.C. (February 15, 2021) As wheat and other cereal growers look for solutions to decrease lodging, many turn to plant growth regulators (PGRs) to ensure strong stalks and an easier harvest. However, growers are often deterred from using beneficial PGRs due to their high cost. Atticus, LLC is cautioning growers against employing risky growing practices to avoid using PGRs, and offers alternatives without the heavy price tag of branded products currently on the market.

Even though the chemistry of PGRs has been proven effective and they are a viable agronomic solution, many growers have found using PGRs to be cost prohibitive, and have moved away from recommended growing practices by putting off nitrogen applications as a way to avoid using PGRs.

Atticus, a demand-driven manufacturer of relevant branded-generic crop protection products, is dedicated to providing high-quality plant growth regulators to help improve stem thickness and diameter, leading to higher yield. PinzolaEC uses the active ingredient trinexapac-ethyl to shorten nodes of cereal plants through inhibition of cell elongation, which decreases lodging and increases plant stability.

According to the Michigan State University Extension, in a wheat crop, nitrogen is most effective when applied shortly after spring green-up to maximize its impact on increasing yield. Depending on soil type and geography, timing is key for nitrogen application, whether it’s a split application or applied in the spring. There are several things to keep in mind:

  • If applied too early, the risk for loss during spring rains is increased
  • If applied too late, growers risk not getting the full value of nitrogen, because the benefits of tapping into early spring growth and wheat head formation are lost; plus, yield can be negatively impacted when wheat crops are lacking nitrogen later in the growing cycle

Plant growth regulators, in combination with nitrogen, are important to help control plant height and increase stem thickness, which helps:

  • Reduce the risk of lodging. Less risk makes managing and harvesting a tall winter wheat crop easier
  • Reduce potential harvest losses that are a result of lodging
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“It’s always important to adhere to recommended growing practices; and it’s certainly concerning to hear about growers avoiding or delaying nitrogen applications, all because the plant growth regulators available are out of reach,” said Mike Henderson, Atticus executive vice president, central U.S. crops.

“Pinzola EC ensures growers have access to an affordable and accessible crop protection solution,” stated Henderson. “Similar to how Henry Ford revolutionized the automobile industry with his assembly line by making vehicles accessible and affordable, Atticus has an inexpensive alternative to PGRs currently on the market, allowing growers to positively impact wheat yield without negatively impacting their bottom line.”

Mike Henderson

Vice President, Central U.S. Crops

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